FA News

What Pilots Do When A Pandemic Grounds Half The World’s Planes

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The airline industry has been slow to recover since the outbreak began.

NASAA Investigators Identify 91 Alleged Covid-Related Investment Scams Since April


More than 90 alleged investment schemes have been uncovered by a NASAA task force.

HHS Doled Out $50 Billion To Firms Accused Of Medicare Fraud

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Despite efforts to crack down, Medicare and Medicaid fraud continue to run rampant.

Trump Tax Break Fails To Deliver For Communities, Study Finds


Thus far, "opportunity zones" don't seem to be creating many opportunities.

Recovery Runs Into New Risk In Vast Partisan Gap On U.S. Economy


Democrats appear to be sitting out the economic recovery, perhaps for political reasons.

Who Will Profit The Most From A Green Recovery?


ESG investors are turning their sights to structural inequality.

Wall Street Fixates On A College Side Project Tracking Robinhood


The creator of Robintrack.net was once turned down for a job at Robinhood.

Trillions In Stimulus Go Unchecked With Watchdogs Kept Toothless


As stimulus money streams out the doors, agencies to oversee the programs are barely functional.

Lessons From The Brink: How $4 Trillion Of ETFs Bounced Back

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ETFs thrived while the outbreak and recession disrupted much of the financial industry.

Former Insider Kevin Warsh Chides Fed For ‘Late’ Main Street Response


A former governor said that the Fed supported asset prices, but did little for the economy.

Morgan Stanley To Contest Bias Lawsuit By Ex-Diversity Chief

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Marilyn Booker complains that the firm's leadership has too many white people, males.

The Case For Holding Precious Metals In Client Accounts


You don’t need to be a goldbug to appreciate the benefits of owning precious metals.

Before The U.S. Can Have Clean Power, It Needs More Power Lines


Building transmission lines to move clean power to where people need it is easier said than done.

One Month Of Fed ETF Buying Redraws $4 Trillion Market


The Federal Reserve’s fingerprints are all over the bond exchange-traded fund market.

How An Advisor Helped Clients Buy Retirement Dream Home Amid Pandemic


In helping a couple with a tricky real estate situation, Andrew Rosen also helped them avoid capital gains taxes.

Covid-19 Has Left U.S. Workers Financially Strapped


A survey by Edelman Financial Engines found that Americans are worried about their jobs, health and retirement savings.

Former UBS Advisor Launches $1.2B Independent Firm With Dynasty


Cyndeo provides wealth management services to business owners, families and professional athletes.

Schwab Self-Directed 401(k) Balances Dipped 6% In Q1


A report showed that millennials had the lowest self-directed account balances on average and are least likely to use an advisor.

Clayton Warns Advisors That Covid-Related Products May Violate Reg BI


As implementation of Reg BI nears, the SEC chairman told advisors to be wary of putting clients into such products.

Powell Stays With Message Of Uncertain Path On Economic Recovery


The Fed chairman continues to stress that the U.S. has a long road to recovery.