FA News

U.S. Financial Advisors More Optimistic About Markets Than Their Foreign Compadres


A Natixis survey finds that U.S. advisors don't expect 2020 to come close to the market debacle of 2008.

Fed Will Begin Buying Broad Portfolio Of Corporate Bonds

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The central bank said it would follow a diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds.

Ed Slott On Why 2020 Offers Unique Retirement Income Opportunities


Life insurance has become more favorable as an estate planning tool under new rules.

Vanguard: Automation Helped Retirement Investors Succeed During Market Swings


While some investors panicked, Vanguard said its retirement plan participants stayed the course.

Stock Pickers Are Failing To Beat The Whiplashed Pandemic Market


More than 60% of domestic equity funds underperformed the S&P Composite 1500 in the first four months of 2020.

Resurgent Virus Thrusts States Back Into Life-Or-Death Decisions

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Governors have already begun taking divergent approaches, inflaming tensions within states as well as with neighbors.

Mom-And-Pop Shops Left Holding The Bag In Consumer Card Disputes


The world’s biggest payment companies have grown increasingly worried about a surge in disputed card transactions.

Appeal Of Digital Assets Growing Among Global Institutional Investors, Fidelity Says


About 36% of institutional investors hold digital assets, a company survey said.

Mega-Rich Urged To Unleash $121 Billion For Desperate Charities


The pandemic is prompting more money to flow out of DAFs and into charities where it can do some good.

Stock Strategist Says His Eye Doctor's Kid Asked Him About Rally


What we’re seeing, I have not seen since 2000, says BTIG’s Julian Emanuel.

$350M Team Exits Merrill Lynch For Raymond James


The advisors will join RJA’s employee channel in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Trump Immigration Order May Halt Work Visa Entries Until Fall

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One possibility under consideration would restrict people from entering the U.S. on several different visa categories.

Houston On 'Precipice Of Disaster' With Virus Cases Spreading


Texas recently recorded its highest one-day tally of new cases since the pandemic emerged.

Treasury's Record Cash Pile Is Jerome Powell's $700 Billion Headache

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Swings in the government’s cash on deposit at the Fed have a direct impact on the level of reserves.

Wall Street Puts Guardrails On LBO Deals After Crisis Markdowns


As market conditions improve, lenders are building better protections into LBOs they sign up for.

Biden Releases Plan To Reopen Economy With Federal Support


The Democratic presidential candidate laid out an eight-step plan to reopen the economy safely.

Stocks Tumble Most In 12 Weeks On Economy, Virus

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U.S. stocks tumbled the most in 12 weeks as the torrid surge in equities came to a screeching halt.

Quant Factors Swing Most In A Decade In Wild Wall Street Trading


Quants are getting lashed by some of the most violent stock swings in more than a decade.

LPL Launches Value Preservation Solution For Advisors


LPL has launched a program to maintain an advisory firm's value if there's an unexpected change of guard.

The Economy Is Not Going To Crash, A CIO Says


Investing opportunities are being created even as the economy slows, Taylor Frigon Capital Management says.