FA News

BofA Survey Finds 78% Of Investors See Market As 'Overvalued'


A whopping 78% of polled investors believe the stock market is overvalued.

EBay Ex-CEO's Text Triggered Scare Campaign With Cockroaches, Funeral Wreath

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Former EBay executives were arrested by the FBI for waging a harassment campaign against two ecommerce bloggers.

Trump Team Weighs $1 Trillion For Infrastructure To Spur Economy

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The draft plan is emerging as lawmakers from both parties and Trump debate the timing and scope of more stimulus.

Wall Street's Best-Laid Brexit Plans In Disarray Amid Virus


Firms are finally reactivating long-held plans to shift staff from London -- only to find they can’t move fast enough.

U.S. Family Offices Lead Global Ranks With $396,000 Salaries


Family offices have proliferated this century, spurred by the growth of fortunes in technology, finance and real estate.

Low-Cost Drug Is First To Improve Covid Patients' Survival


The 60-year-old medicine reduced deaths among patients who needed breathing assistance.

Americans' Generosity In 2019 Almost Matches All-Time High, Report Says


Good economic growth before the Covid-19 epidemic pushed giving upward, the report said.

TD Ameritrade To Play Virtual Matchmaker For RIA M&A


The new service, RIAConnect, can also be used to source next-generation talent.

Raymond James Fires Employee Over Black Lives Matter Clash


The video shows a managing director at Raymond James and his wife confronting the protester in front of his home.

Are These A.I. Model Portfolios Investing's Next Big Thing?


Proponents of A.I.-driven ensemble active management believe this system can consistently beat active and passive management.

Private Equity Fails To Beat U.S. Stocks Despite Billions In Fees, Oxford Study Says


Titans of the industry have become multibillionaires despite mediocre performance, the study said.

Former AXA Team Launches New RIA In Ohio


Midwest Financial Partners will operate as Octavia Wealth Advisors

Higher Taxes For Wealthy A Stark Possibility In Wake Of Virus


Revenue-starved governments may have no alternative but to target the wealthy for tax hikes.

China's Slow Recovery Points To Hard Road Back For Global Economy


There are few signs of a broad based rebound needed to spur a V-shaped recovery.

Workers Can't Be Fired For LGBT Status, U.S. Supreme Court Says


Conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in a 6-3 majority.

Morgan Stanley Economists Double Down On V-Shape Global Recovery


The forecast assumes a manageable second wave of coronavirus infections by fall.

Goldman Says Mom-And-Pop's Stock Picks Are Trouncing Wall Street


A portfolio of stocks popular among individuals has surged by 61% since the bear market trough.

Treasuries Rally After Beijing Cases Renew Second Wave Fears

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Dozens of people associated with a fruit and vegetable market in the city tested positive for the virus.

De Blasio The Critic Turns NYPD Defender To Fight $1 Billion Cut


Bill De Blasio campaigned for mayor in 2013 as a critic of controversial police stop-and-frisk tactics.

Deadliest Corporate Crime In U.S. Will End With 84 Guilty Pleas


The plea will conclude a legal case arising from the largest wildfire in California's history.