FA News

Pandemic Created Value Disparity Reminiscent Of Tech Bubble


During a time of uncertainty, investors usually flock to companies with higher visibility and internal growth.

EU May Opt To Keep Americans Out When External Borders Open


The EU faces a technical test in determining which foreigners should be allowed to travel to the bloc as of July 1.

ESG Investors Are Confronting A Race Problem Of Their Own

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White people make up about 80% of employees in socially responsible investment firms.

Bond Trade Loved By Wall Street Nears Another $100 Billion

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Portfolio trading, powered by the ETF boom, was gaining converts as markets in many individual bonds all but froze.

Bank Dividends In Peril With Crisis Veterans Warning Of Trouble

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Critics say they’d rather see banks marshal resources for a rocky road ahead than continue paying shareholders.

Virus Surges Across U.S., Throwing Reopenings Into Disarray

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Even in N.J., where numbers have been falling, Gov. Phil Murphy warned the transmission rate is “beginning to creep up.”

Wall Street’s Win Streak With Trump Regulators Dangles By Thread


With a tough reelection battle ahead for Trump, there's only so much regulation that can be rolled back.

Retirees Forget To Plan For Taxes, Research Finds


The pandemic is pushing people to find financial advisors, Nationwide Retirement Institute surveys say.

Mnuchin Says Stimulus May Pass Congress In July To Boost Economy

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The Trump administration has privately discussed a $1 trillion measure as a way to stimulate jobs growth.

Bridgewater’s Bob Prince Says Virus Impact Could Last Two Years


He says the economic impacts of the virus could last 18 to 24 months.

U.S., EU Discuss Restarting Travel After Bloc Considers A Ban


The E.U. and U.S. are in talks to resume international travel between the regions.

SEC Urged To Scrutinize B-Ds Fighting 12b-1 Fee Crackdown


The Consumer Federation of America says firms opposed to 12b-1 regs show a “disregard for what it means to be a fiduciary.”

Pimco’s Roman Sees U.S. Inflation Remaining Low For Years

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Pimco’s CEO opined that “the days of inflation we remember are gone.”

Robinhood’s New Traders Ignore Danger Signs To Bet On Stocks

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New investors are flooding onto Robinhood's free trading app, perhaps at their own peril.

$400M Ohio Team Joins Dynasty Network Affiliate Keebeck


The advisors were formerly with Merrill Lynch.

An Election Sweep Is Good For Stocks No Matter The Winning Party


History shows the stock market does well when one political party has total control of Washington, D.C.

Credit Suisse Slashes Its ETN Business


The company is delisting nine securities worth nearly $3 billion, reducing the ETN industry’s size by more than a quarter.

Trump’s Payroll Tax Cut Would Harm Social Security, Seniors Group Argues


Seniors fear a permanent reduction in Social Security benefits to make up for tax cuts, Senior Citizens League says.

Stock Valuations Hit A Record In ‘Everything Is Expensive’ Rally

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Wall Street is freaking out about valuations once more.

This ETF Suite Aims To ‘Kick Ass’ On An Absolute And Risk-Adjusted Basis


Tuttle Tactical Management’s four equity funds are all about assertive tactical asset management.