FA News

Mercer Advisors Buys Two RIAs With Combined AUM Of Roughly $1 Billion


Mercer has added ClearRock Capital and Argosy Wealth Management to its expanding roster of acquired RIAs.

Soros Family Office, Texas Pensioners Lead Rush Into Hedge Funds

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Some well-known fund managers, sensing the moment, began accepting new capital for the first time in years.

Citi Pulls Back On Plans For Office Return In 13 States


Citigroup is still planning to return about 5% of employees to offices in much of the U.S. Northeast.

Women's Financial Gains Held Back By Covid, Advisor Says


Women already are being disproportionately hit by the epidemic's economic impact, a financial executive says.

Broker Interest In RIA Channel Remains High, TD Survey Says


Many brokers think joining an existing RIA firm will ease their transition.

Active Managers More Likely To Quit Than Sustain Outperformance, Study Says


Very few active fund managers consistently outperform their peers, according to an S&P indices scorecard.

Rehired Workers Get Fired Again When States Pause Reopening


Governors are taking swift action to combat a resurgence of virus cases, especially in the U.S. South and West.

ADP Says U.S. Firms Add 2.37 Million Jobs, Fewer Than Forecast


There's been a significant rebound in industries that have suffered the greatest job losses, an analyst said.

Americans Face 25% Jump In Power Bills, Adding To Summer Of Woe

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Low-income families on average spend almost 9% of their budgets on energy bills.

Pandemic Shot From Pfizer, BioNTech Shows Promise In Early Test


The companies are evaluating at least four experimental vaccines at various doses.

Closing The Generation Gap In Stocks May Be Market's Next Act


For all the bullishness among the Robinhood crowd, there’s still among older generations a healthy dose of pessimism.

A $6 Million PPP Loan And Bankruptcy Keep Two U.S. Chains Afloat


They’re the two biggest recipients of Paycheck Protection Program aid that filed for Chapter 11 protection.

Cornell Says Bringing Students Back To Campus Reduces Virus Risk


Doing so makes all students subject to public health guidelines and compliance with testing, the university says.

Gold Climbs Above $1,800 For The First Time Since 2011

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There are plenty of catalysts propelling the yellow metal’s price.

Powell Highlights Imperative Of Curbing Virus For Rebound

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Parts of the U.S. are scaling back reopenings amid a fresh surge in infection rates.

Quarterly Hedge Fund Liquidations Rise To Highest Since 2015


At the same time, net demand for hedge funds is at its highest in at least five years.

CFP Board's Ethics And Conduct Rules Are Now Being Enforced


The new Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct were adopted in October after five years of work by the CFP Board.

Reg BI Goes Live, And The Vast Majority Of B-Ds Are Ready


Most firms are prepared for this, though stragglers are still playing catch-up.

Most Women Play Up Equality But Defer Financial Decisions To Men


A UBS report cites reasons why many women turn over financial matters to their spouses.

DOL Revises Its Fiduciary Rule To Allow Third-Party Compensation


The revisions bring the DOL rule in line with the SEC's Regulation Best Interest.